
Welcome to Raconteur Diaries~ I am Deniesha.

I am a 4th year Nursing student (BScN program) who has been rejected from the nursing and midwifery program several times before I was accepted. School has always been a challenge for me, a student with both a learning disability and inattentive ADHD. I used to aim low with all my goals because I never felt smart enough, and this has a lot to do with the flawed Canadian education system. 

I originally created this blog in 2017 to help guide future nurses like myself who've always struggled through school, and our mission has since doubled. Raconteur Diaries' ultimate mission is to (1) prove to you that you are AMAZING in all your flaws while reminding you that your disability is a superpower! And (2) Raising awareness on the importance of health literacy.

Raconteur is our diary and our chance to show how Dead flowers bloom too.


Deniesha McClacken


(1) prove to you that you are AMAZING in all your flaws while reminding you that your disability is a superpower! And (2) Raising awareness on the importance of health literacy.


An educated society of individualists who persevere for the betterment of themselves and everyone else.
